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Correlating the Displacement Current to Output Power for Variable Charge Density Generators
Role: Principal Investigator
Funding Body: Fundamental Research Grant Scheme- Mosti (MyGrants)
Project Code: FRGS/1/2019/TK10/TAYLOR/02/1
Funding Amount: RM 95700
Research Outcome: Not Available
Date: 1 Sep.2019 - 31 Aug.2021

Energy Infrastructure for Urban Terrains through Sustainable Future Technology
Role: Principal Investigator/Project Head
Funding Body: Flagship Research Project
Funding Amount: RM 315,700
Research Outcome: 3 ISI-WoS WoS,3 PhD(ongoing)
Date: 1 Oct.2017 - 30 Sep.2020

Vertical Blended Research
Role: Principal Investigator
Funding Body: Lyceum of the Philippines University, Philippines
Funding Amount: USD 3920
Date: Nov.2019 - April 2020


Energy and Efficiency Consumption
Role: Researcher
Funding Body: ALT Grant, School of Engineering, Taylor's University
Funding Amount: RM 93,077
Research Outcome: 2 Indexed Publications
Date: Feb.2018 - Feb. 2020


Sustainable Energy Harvesting Unit for Remote Location
Role: Co-researcher
Funding Body: Major Fund Scheme, TRGS, Taylor's University
Funding Amount: RM 52,800
Research Outcome: 1 SCOPUS 1 Masters
Date: Feb.2018 - Jan. 2020


Energy performance assessment for Taylor's University
Role: Co-researcher
Funding Body: Major Fund Scheme, TRGS, Taylor's University
Funding Amount: RM 55,900
Research Outcome: 1 SCOPUS 1 Masters
Date: Feb.2018 - Jan. 2020

Project Based Programme
Role: Principal Investigator
Funding Body: Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology LUT, Finland
Funding Amount: USD 1120

Date: 25-28 Nov.2019


New Value Creation for Air Conditioning System using Industrial Internet of Things
Role: Principal Investigator
Funding Body: DAIKIN, Sungaibuloh
Funding Amount: RM 5000
Research Outcome: Research Laboratory Equipment
Date: Aug.2017 - July 2019

Autonomous Drone Surveillance System
Role: Co-researcher
Funding Body: Daikin Electronic Devices and Materials, Shahalam
Funding Amount: RM 4700
Research Outcome: Commercial product installed on site
Date: Mar.2018 - Feb.2019

Energy and exergy analyses of hybrid solar photo voltaic thermal system using layered
phase changing topology

Role: Principal Investigator
Funding Body: SOE Research Budget Allocation
Funding Amount: RM 10,500
Research Outcome: 1 SCOPUS

Date: May.2017 - April 2018

Energy Efficient Rail Brake for Railway Vehicles derived from Linear Switched Motor Technology

Role: Principal Investigator
Funding Body: Taylor’s Major Funding Grant, RMI- Taylor’s University
Funding Amount: RM44,000
Research Outcome: Not Available
Date: Aug.2016

Finite Difference Computational Model of Smart Grid Cable Fields for Design and Monitoring
using Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)
Role: Co-researcher
Funding Body: Fundamental Research Grant Scheme, MOSTI Malaysia
Funding Amount: RM109,000
Research Outcome: Not Available
Date: July.2016

Synchronous Monitoring And Real Time (SMART) Analysis for Energy Efficient Buildings
Role: Project Supervisor
Funding Body: Malaysia Innovation Design, National Instruments, Malaysia
Funding Amount:Support Equipments to develop protoype solutions
Research Outcome: 2 Conference journal, 2 Journal paper, 1 Competition paper
Date: Nov.2013

Field Testing of Oil Palm Electrical Cutter Prototype for Several Oil Palm Plantation in Malaysia
Role: Co-researcher
Funding Body: Prototype Development Research Grant Scheme, Ministry of Science, Technol-
ogy and Innovation (MOSTI) Malaysia
Funding Amount: RM125,000
Research Outcome: Not Available

 Date: Sep.2013

Hybrid Photovoltaic/thermal Systems for Sustainable Tourism in Malaysia
Role: Co-researcher
Funding Body: E-science, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation(MOSTI) Malaysia
Funding Amount: RM150,600
Research Outcome: 1 Journal paper, 1 Conference paper, 1 PhD (pursuing), 1 Masters
Date: Nov.2012

Double Rotor Switched Reluctance Motor
Role: Co-researcher
Funding Body: Electrical Power Laboratory, University Putra Malaysia
Funding Amount: RM 10,000
Research Outcome: 1 Patent , 4 Conference paper, 3 Journal paper
Date: Aug.2011

A Novel MAGLEV based VAWT
Role: Co-researcher
Funding Body: Exploratory Research Grant Scheme, Ministry of Science, Technology and In-
novation (MOSTI) Malaysia
Funding Amount: RM120,000
Research Outcome: 3 Journal papers, 1 PhD (pursuing)
Date: Sep.2011-Aug.2013


Design of Novel Reluctance Motor Drive
Role: Principal Investigator
Funding Body: UCSI University
Funding Amount: RM4,700
Research Outcome: 1 Bachelors, 1 Conference paper
Date: April.2010

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