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Graduated Post graduate Students

Aminath Saadha (Masters in Engineering) - Main Supervisor (EV)

Lee Sunny (Masters in Engineering) - Main Supervisor (Solar PVT)

Praveen Edward James (PhD in Engineering) (Speech Recognition) - Co-supervisor)


Doctoral in Engineering 

Mohammad HajeBeiji (Solar PVT)

Sridhar (Solar PVT)

OKS Prakash (EV)

Gowtham Raj (EV)

Ahmed Adel (VAWT)

Ramsundar (Solar PVT) 

Bachelors in Electrical and Electronics 

Yap Gin (Solar PVT)

Jason - Energy Efficient Buildings

Prishita Kandasamy - VAWT

Aw Ka Loon (Solar PVT)

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